Please note that we are continuously working on the content and translation of the site and the site is still under construction!
On this website we would like to try to answer frequently asked questions from refugees with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
We want to inform you about the support system for people with disabilities in Germany. This website is part of the support project for refugees with disabilities, which is funded by Aktion Mensch.
We try to explain to you briefly and simply where and how you can apply for subsistence benefits and get the necessary support for living with a disability or chronic illness.
This page can only give you initial suggestions. We always recommend the support of the advice centers. We will also inform you here about good advice centers near your place of residence.
It is important that people with disabilities and chronic illnesses support and strengthen one another. Information on such events can also be found on this page.
This website is still under construction and will be updated regularly. We recommend that you visit the website from time to time.
For suggestions and feedback on the site, you are welcome to email us at away@isl-ev.de.
This website is part of the support project for refugees with disabilities, which is funded by Aktion Mensch.